What We Do

Mobile Apps

We develop mobile apps on various platforms (mobile and PC). Read More

Web Design

Web design or web development, e-commerce or other online portals plus SEO. Read More

Bulk SMS / SIM Hosting

We have our own bulk sms & SIM Hosting platform. Enjoy SMS with fast delivery. Read More

SMS Short Code

We setup Premium SMS (SMS short code) solutions with web integration. Read More

Online Advertising

We handle online advert campaigns using SEO methods to reach your target audience. Read More


We setup, install and maintain your network over WLAN or WIFI. Read More


We handle CCTV installation with remote realtime access to the cameras. Read More

Access Control

In addition to CCTV, we install and configure access control devices. Read More

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Enjoy fast delivery, low priced SMS even to DND numbers. Visit www.greenspek.net