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Our latest apps, Exam Success Points (Key Points), WAEC Past Questions & Answers (i-WAEC), JAMB Past Questions & Answers (i-JAMB) and i-Post UTME are very popular among students, schools and lecture centres. The apps are useful in studying for exams like JAMB, Post JAMB, WAEC and NECO.
Do you want to make money selling our apps?
Our apps sell for N1,000 OR N500 (see prices below). You can see that if for example you buy just 10 UNLOCK CODES (of the N1,000 apps) at N7,500 you can use it to unlock 10 apps for clients at N10,000.
This gives you a profit of N2,500 from 10 apps (N250 per app).
+ So, if you unlock just 100 apps for users, you can make as much as N25,000
+ For 1,000 apps its N250,000. Think about it.
+ Even if you sell at N950 or N900 per app, you can still make profit.
For a detailed FAQ, visit
01 - What are Unlock Codes?
These are the ONLY codes that can open our paid apps. They can be 13 digits or 9 digits.
These code work from any part of the World. All that is needed is an internet connection to activate.
Kindly make ALL payments TRANSFER or CASH to:
Fidelity Bank Plc, 5601389834
When you make payments, kindly send your NAME and AMOUNT PAID to 08169615492 or email to
You will be sent the UNLOCK CODES within 30 minutes after confirmation.
You can pay online at
02 - CODES for WAEC Success (i-WAEC)
The app costs N1,000. The prices for bulk purchases are as follows:
5 CODES = N4,000 N5,000
10 CODES = N7,500 N10,000
20 CODES = N14,000 N20,000
50 CODES = N32,000 N50,000
100 CODES and above Contact Us for discount.
03 - CODES for JAMB Success (i-JAMB) and i-Post UTME
The app costs N500. The prices for bulk purchases are as follows:
10 CODES = N4,000 N5,000
20 CODES = N7,500 N10,000
50 CODES = N16,000 N25,000
100 CODES and above Contact Us for discount.
04 - CODES for Tony Ifie Books
This covers Citizenship Education in Nigeria, Principles of Development Admin,
Elements of Public Admin and Introduction to Local Government Admin.
They cost N400. The prices for bulk purchases are as follows:
10 CODES = N3,000 N4,000
20 CODES = N5,500 N8,000
05 - How long will the UNLOCK CODES last?
Your unlock codes lasts forever. In the event that you cannot use all of them, they remain yours and can be used another time. You just have to keep them safe. If anyone sees them and uses them, they become invalid just like recharge cards.
Your UNLOCK CODES will still be useful in future when we release new apps.
06 - How can I send apps to users?
You can download the app APK file to your phone or laptop and send to users via BLUETOOTH, INFRA-RED or USB
Select the app you want, then download its APK file. Once the user installs it, the app will request the UNLOCK CODE which you can sell to the user.
For a detailed FAQ, visit
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Services: Mobile App development, PC app development, Web design, Web developer, Bulk SMS, Short code SMS, Online Advertising, CCTV, Networking, Access Control, Consultancy, Procurement and Training.
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